I have pet birds. Cockatiels, to be precise. And if you happen to have any sort of pet, bird or otherwise, you know it can be a love-hate relationship at times.
Don't be fooled, he's not as innocent as he looks. |
Birds are flighty. The smallest little thing (such as leaning back in a creaky chair) can send them swirling around the room. Birds are noisy. They'll chatter and shriek and squawk no matter how you plead, beg, threaten (just kidding, or am I?) or otherwise talk to or not talk to them. Birds need constant care and attention. They squawk and shriek for you to notice them, feed them, talk to them, just to be in the same room as them. Birds aren't very smart. Mine flew away from me once just because I was wearing nail polish (ahhhhh! attack of the killer colored finger nails!!!). Time and time again, when I have them out of their cages to play, I have to bring them back to their play-stand after a frightened flight around the room, repeatedly having to say "You're all right. It's okay. You've got to trust me on this one" (and yes, I do talk to my birds like that, don't judge).
But you know, we're not much different from them. The smallest thing goes wrong, we're prepping for the end of the world. We cry, gripe, groan, moan, complain, fret, fume (I personally have enough experience to have a degree in each), no matter how many times God has promised He'll never leave us, He'll always take care of us, He's watching out for us. We need constant reminders that God is with us, constant reminders He's not going to kick us to the curb, that He loves us with an everlasting love. And how many times have we made the same stupid mistakes over and over? How many times have we gone "swirling" about frantic because of a little "creak" that upset our lives, let alone when the big things happen? How many times has God had to bring us back to the center of His will?
Neither is she. |
And you see, the beautiful thing about our relationship with God is that it's not a love-hate relationship. It's only love on His side. Through our groans, moans, and pity parties, He loves us, and seeks our best. "
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV). God's not sitting up in Heaven rubbing His hands together and thinking about what problem we're going to have next. That's not our God. He allows bad things to happen, but only because it works out for our best and His glory. He says to each and every one of us, "You're all right. It's okay. You've got to trust Me on this one."
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