Is My Life and Future Really Secure in Jesus?

“LORD, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
~ Psalm 16:5-6, NIV

Sometimes, I have to beat that verse into my head.

I have to repeat it over and over, insisting that I accept it, forcing myself to believe it.

Because there’s a lot of times when I don’t.  When bitterness and hopelessness threaten to take over.

You may be feeling the same way.  You may struggle with chronic health issues.  You may have lost all your earthly possessions.  Your life may not be going at all how you planned it, or how you would like it to go.  And yet that verse still stands.

But you find yourself questioning, like I do, “Are my boundary lines really in pleasant places?  Do I really have a delightful inheritance?”


If nothing else, all of God’s children have the promise of eternal life with Him in Heaven  (John 3:16).  That’s our inheritance.  If you are a daughter of God, repentant of your sins and trusting Jesus and His sacrificial work alone to save you, your future is sealed.  Your future is never-ending joy.  Your future is secure.

What about on earth?  You’ve lost your job.  Your friends have turned on you.  Your food allergies make eating anywhere and anything unfamiliar a nightmare.  Have our boundary lines really fallen in pleasant places, when we struggle with these things?  When we battle crippling anxiety, have lost our loved ones, don’t see any hope for our current situation to get any better?


Because He has promised that He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5).  He has promised that even if our parents, the people who should love us the most, happen to forsake us, yet He won’t stop loving us or taking care of us (Psalm 27:10; Isaiah 49:15).

We’ve felt the consequences of sin on this earth since the first sin in Eden.  Pain, suffering, poverty, death.  We’ll continue to feel those until Jesus returns, and the world is made new.  But God will continue to stand by us, to meet our needs, to provide strength to get us through these trials.

So, is our lot truly secure?  Are our boundaries actually in pleasant places?  Do we really have a delightful inheritance?

Yes.  Look at that verse again.  God is our portion.  Eternity with Him is our inheritance.

Our hope isn’t in our circumstances, our wealth, our goodness, or the goodness of the world around us.  How hopeless everything would be if it was!  Instead, our hope is in Jesus.  With our hope in the King of kings, the Savior of the world, the Living Word, we can be assured that whatever we face, we are secure.  Whatever our situation, He is in control.  And that whatever our future on earth holds, our eternity will be joy.


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