Can We Have Perfect Peace in an Imperfect World?
"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You."
~ Isaiah 26:3, NKJV
This verse has been running through my head a lot the past couple of weeks. When my heart has been anything but peaceful as I watch the health of two of my three cats slowly fail. Letting go of them, who I love so much, have had for so long, it hurts. And besides that, there have been other things going on in my life which tear at my heart and fill my mind with doubt and fear.
Chances are, fear and doubt are plaguing you too. Maybe you're watching a parent or a grandparent's health fail. Maybe your parents are going through a divorce. Maybe you're going through a divorce. Maybe you're struggling with school or work or illness. Maybe what's bothering you is something else.
I think about when Isaiah penned this verse, under the inspiration of God. He started his ministry in the same year King Uzziah died (Isaiah 6:1). He lived through the reigns of some of the worst kings of Judah, including Ahaz and Manessah (who tradition says killed him). The Assyrian army tried to overthrow Jerusalem during Hezekiah's reign (2 Chronicles 32). And although there was some spiritual reform, there was much spiritual corruption. Isaiah lived in anything but a peaceful time.
What does it mean, this perfect peace? Does perfect peace mean things will be easy, if I just trust in God? Are things difficult for me, difficult for you, right now because we're not trusting God enough? Because we're not relying on God? Is the answer to peace the carefree life prosperity gospels promise us if we "claim it"?
Perfect peace doesn't mean that everything is easy. It sure wasn't for Isaiah. It sure isn't for any of us. It doesn't mean that our bank accounts are always full, our bodies always work perfectly. It doesn't mean all our prayers are answered the way we want. It doesn't mean our ailing family and friends are healed, that our difficulties at work or school are solved.
It means that, despite going through all of these things, despite the difficulties we face, despite the pain that threatens to break us, that we know God is in control. We know that, although we can't comprehend it, although we only see darkness, God is working in our lives. God is using the painful things to work for our good, despite how they feel, despite how they seem (Romans 8:28). Perfect peace means that, although the world is incredibly wicked, we don't cower in fear because we serve One greater. By focusing solely on Jesus, trusting in His sovereignty, His goodness, His absolute control in all things, we can trust that, no matter what happens, we are secure.
It's something we have to constantly remind ourselves of, because our sinful flesh will fall prey to any call to doubt this goodness and power of our God. But in Him alone is everlasting strength (Isaiah 26:4). Only in Him can we find this peace, this security.
I pray that, whatever you're going through right now, that God would bring it before you that, if you've accepted Christ and His sacrifice, this perfect peace is yours. If you have God, Whom nothing in this world can separate you from, you are secure no matter what happens (Romans 8:38-39).
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