Why I Don't Like How People Use These Words
This is a Bible. A giant book of cats is not. Bible. Virgin. We know what these words mean. The world uses these words in a different way than their definition. And I hate it. Like seriously. There are certain phrases you'll hear thrown around a lot containing these words. You probably can name a handful of them yourself. Like the Cat Bible. Or the popular show, Property Virgins. These terms seem to be becoming more and more popular in our culture. On Amazon, for example, I found more than a dozen cookbooks with "Bible" in their titles. I hate the way these terms are used in these titles/phrases. It cheapens the meaning The Bible isn't just a book of wisdom. It's the infallible, God-breathed, sacred teaching of God Almighty Himself. A virgin doesn't just refer to not having done something before. Rather, it specifically refers to someone who has never known another person sexually. Someone who, instead of falling into the temptations of...