Please remember

It's almost Thanksgiving here in the U.S.A., and while I don't want to do some cheesy post to tie in with it (I think giving thanks is something we should talk about all year long), I did just want to say that I'm thankful for all of you.

I'm thankful that you take the time to read my musings.

I'm thankful that you ask questions.

I'm thankful when you point out something you disagree with (let's face it, I'm no where near perfect).

Some of you I know personally. Some of you I don't know very well. Some of you are my closest friends. Some of you I've never met.

But if we had a few minutes, where we could sit and talk together, before we left, there's a few things I'd want you to know. That I pray you realize through the craziness of the season ahead of us, and all year long.

So as we rush into Thanksgiving, and into Christmas, please...remember...

You are a beautiful woman.

Your worth isn't in what you wear. What you look like. What clothing size you are.

Your worth is in Christ.

He loves you with an everlasting love.

The world has taught us that if we don't meet a certain standard, we are worthless.

But you are priceless in God's eyes.

Why would He send His Son to pay the price for our sins otherwise?

During this time of year, you're going to feel busy, rushed, like you can never get it all done.

But He gives you rest, He gives you strength, you can do all things through Him.

The world is full of liars, Satan's messengers who will try to tear you down and make you feel as if no one can love you.

Don't believe them.

Believe God.

You've messed up. You'll mess up some more. But God loves you no matter what.

Again, your worth isn't based on what you've done, or what you can do, or what you've failed to do.

It's based only in Christ.


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