Are We Acting Like the Older Brother?
You may be familiar with the Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15:11-32 . Basically, the younger of two sons asks his father to have his inheritance now, and then goes and wastes it. When he is broke, eventually he repents of his foolishness and asks his father to take him on as a servant. The father, being overjoyed that his son returned, throws a party for him. There’s a lot of food, and everyone’s having a good time. Except the older brother. When he hears of it, the older brother gets mad, and won’t go in to the party or greet his brother. He’s angry that his father has thrown a party for his foolish, sinful, wasteful brother. Here he has been good, well-behaved, hard-working, and yet his brother’s getting a party, not him. It doesn’t seem fair. Instead of rejoicing that his sinful brother has come to his senses, that he’s repented and reconciled to the family, the older brother feels cheated. He’s so much bett...